Our Training And Fitness Programs

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Boxing sessions at The Training Center are the perfect blend of technique and intensity.


Jiu Jitsu

Train with ADCC hall of famer Baret "The Finisher" Yoshida here at The Training Center, home of Baret Submissions.


Kick Boxing

Here at TTC we bring together the right balance of technique, learning and fun on the bags and pads.

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At The Training Center the MMA program is led by former UFC fighter and legend in the sport Chris Leben.

our core values


At TTC you are part of a no nonsense honest family of friends that breed accountability thru community Martial arts and combat sports as a whole build community like nothing else. Here at TTC this is a major focus. We intentionally work to welcome people in to the sport while simultaneously providing support for those already on the journey. This process naturally leverages experience, ambition and humility to bring people together.


Here at TTC we are a family of ambitious and people looking to be our best and constantly improve, to make this a reality discipline is a key component.
For generations, even before it was a globally recognized sport, martial arts is where people went to build discipline and where parents took their kids to instill discipline.


The human experience is best lived with confidence, but it’s not common that it’s natural and or naturally sustained. So here at TTC we work hard to provide the tools for our members to establish and maintain a level of humble confidence they can carry through their journey. Physical and mental health are the foundation for confidence and we train both every session.

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What to expect at the training center

Professional supportive coaching from a team of industry veterans who are passionate about the business. The training Center team is a mix of current and retired professional fighters and decorated coaches.
Industry best mats bags and pads. Why does this matter? Martial arts and combat sports are meant to challenge the body, take it to new limits and to keep you safe in that journey we have invested in the absolute best in every aspect.
A journey in martial arts and combat sports is the ne that inherently builds community and we are here to foster that. Our member base is diverse with all levels of experience, goals and reasons for being here. No matter where you fall on that spectrum we are here to meet where you are and take you where you want to go.
We take pride in the facilities. Our cutting edge facility looks and functions top of class. Perfectly designed with no wasted space we ensure everything you touch is sanitized and safe.
A world class facility designed for efficiency with a stand up section for boxing and kickboxing and rolling section for Jiu Jitsu. From lighting to music and spacing everything has been carefully crafted and considered.
Class Offering

At the training center we have up to 9 different sessions a day for members and a team training for the fight team.

We include, boxing, kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu and MMA.

Our sessions are the perfect balance of conditioning, technique, and fun!


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Chris Leben

Founder, The Training Center

Chris is the owner and founder of TTC. He has compiled an amazing team of coaches, a competition team, and established headquarters for Baret Submissions.

The Training Center is home, it’s a safe place for people from all walks of life and Chris leads by example.

Overcoming some of life’s biggest challenges to become a business owner, father, coach and mentor has shaped Chris’ method of leadership that so many are grateful to learn under.

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Baret Yoshida

Founder, Baret Submissions

Baret is not just one of the most well respected and talented people to practice Jiu Jitsu he has also created his own submission techniques that are licensed to other academy’s. Baret Submissions signature techniques include the Assassin Choke.

Baret Submissions headquarters are right here at the training center San Diego.

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